My Pre-Program: 

The Conversation Compass

Learn how to ask your partner for an open relationship with directness and compassion.

You're scared. I get it.

The Conversation Compass is my mini "pre-program" coaching container designed to help those who want to express their desire for an open relationship. 

This program was born directly out of my interactions with prospective clients on discovery calls, as an answer to some of their most asked questions:

"How did you ask your husband for an open marriage?"

"What was his reaction?" What did he say?" Was he mad?"

"How on earth did you do that and not fumble your words?"

This program will teach you how to center your own "why," approach the conversation with kindness, prepare for your partner's reactions, and find the right words.

Interested in learning more?

While I can't make any guarantees about how this will turn out,

but I can promise you that you will learn a whole lot about YOU.

So, is this program right for you?

Good Fit

You've been thinking a lot about what you want in your relationship structure and you feel you align well with some form of non-monogamy.

You have at least a fairly supportive communication style with your partner already. {if you're not sure, let's chat!}

You are willing to prepare yourself to have a challenging conversation with your partner.

You understand that there can be no guarantee on the outcome of this conversation, AND you feel pulled to have it anyway. {with support from me!}

Not Such a Good Fit

You're not sure yet if the idea of non-monogamy is just a passing thought or something you really want.

You don't feel able to talk to your partner effectively about virtually any topic.

Now that you're thinking about it, you're not sure you want to have this conversation at all. {it's okay to be afraid - we can work through those natural fears together!}

You're looking for a guarantee that your partner will accept this and be ready to move forward quickly into non-monogamy. {I can't tell the future, no matter how hard I try!}

4 one-hour 1:1 coaching sessions via Zoom, one per week of the program

4 weeks of recorded content, presented in a successive fashion on the following topics:

  • Week 1: Intro to Non-Monogamy, Relationship Ideals & Self-Assessment
  • Week 2: Prepping for the Conversation & Formulating Desires
  • Week 3: Starting the Conversation & Navigating Partner’s Reactions
  • Week 4: Moving Forward & Next Steps

Access to Trailblazing Talk Tips, a tool with a list of suggested sentence starters for during the convo

Personalized voice memo support through the Voxer app Monday thru Friday 10am - 4pm EST


What if I already have a therapist or a couples counselor?

That's great! Many people work with therapists and coaches simultaneously, as the two are very different. Coaching is different from therapy as it focuses on a situation rather than a diagnosis, and seeks to help you set and achieve goals related to the future rather than the past.

Does this program apply to all forms of non-monogamy?

Absolutely! Whether you're exploring polyamory, polyfidelity, swinging, an open dynamic, relationship anarchy, or monogam-ish, my program will work for you!

What if I don't have the time?

We're all busy, I totally get it. Here the deal, you will need to dedicate 3-4 hours per week over a 4 week period to be successful, but there is tons of flexibility with your busy schedule in mind. This program is for folx looking for lasting long term results, not just a quick fix, which makes the time you put in so worth it.

What if I'm scared to invest?

I get it, a lot of us have anxiety around money. I promise you, investing in yourself is the MOST important thing you will ever do.

Is coaching covered by insurance?

No, unfortunately coaching is not covered by insurance. I never want money to be the reason you can't get the support you need, so in addition to running several promos per year, I also offer payment plans.

Have other questions? Wanna chat about getting started? Let's get you on my calendar!

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